Friday, July 25, 2008

Dan Kaminsky's DNS In-Bailiwick Spoofing Vulnerability Find

First off, good on Dan for finding yet another way to break DNS.  By combining previously known loopholes with a new twist, a truly lethal and rather trivial exploit has been found to attack the soft underbelly of recursive DNS servers.  More information on the find below:

Dan's Black Hat Talk (Archived)

US-CERT - Multiple DNS implementations vulnerable to cache poisoning

The Workaround:
There really isn't one.  Non-Internet facing DNS servers talking to non-recursive (authoritative) DNS servers is the closest thing you got to being anywhere near a safe situation.  In simple terms... you are screwed if you use a large ISP to connect to the Internet from home; if you are at a small company that has sharp administrators you might have a fighting chance.

The Problem:
Sure cache poisoning is bad.  However, I'm more interested in what can be done with this exploit... I mean what really can be done.  If I was going to change a DNS server entry, the last thing I would do would be direct to my own website saying, "PWN'T!"  If I were really evil, I would take a DNS entry for a bank and proxy the traffic through a botnet.  In other words, real-world information gathering (and subsequent use) would be my main goal.  Actually, if I were pure evil, this exploit would be used to ends having to do more with the Estonian hack than for my own purposes.  Whatever the case, these scenarios are something I think is fundamental to the problem (improper browser use, email insecurity, and shabby OS and application configuration holes so large you could drive a truck through).

The Fix:
There is a fine line between full-disclosure and stomping on a story.  Here again I would commend Dan.  He kept the problem under wraps so the fix could get organized.  In the end, the cat got out anyway (some say it was 6 months, some say 13 days).  Regardless, this exploit is fundamental to the function of DNS and any suggested fix to the problem only leads to slowing down an attack (days instead of seconds) and does not actually stop it.  To date the only true fix proposed has been DNSSEC.  If I know anything about the Internet, implementing a new protocol only takes... (cough: IPv6) forever.  Anyway, hell if I know what that DNSSEC does.  Sadly, I just know the name... and there in lies my final point.  

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